
SEO Myths That You Need To Stop Believing

How to enhance your Digital marketing strategy by avoiding some very common SEO myths

SEO Myths That You Need To Stop Believing In 2018

By writing a comprehensive piece of content that has proper data and statistics, using good quality keywords and promoting a blog and by creating a brand image for yourself among your competitors, all this is done just to gain traffic for your website and to position your brand and getting traffic to your website organically through search engines. This could be done with the help of SEO although one needs to stop believing in some myths which are given below:

Myth 1: SEO is an activity which is done once

Many people believe that when a website is created, it is handed over to an SEO team, and once the SEO team has done its bit to make the website reach on the top, the job is done and your website is successful. But this is not true, SEO is no a one time process, it is a continuous process, in which one has to continuously update the website and also optimize it for some time if you want to retain your position. Patience is also very important in this process. In order to successfully make your site at the top of the search engine results pages, it would approximately take 3-6 months to get it all done. In fact if you become lethargic with your SEO process there are high chances that your competitors will take over your position.

Myth 2: Backlinks are the only key factor in SEO

Website should have a User friendly interface, the visitor should be easily able to navigate the pages of the website and even the structure of the website should be attractive which includes text, images, GIFs, info-graphics and also videos.

Myth 3: If you are different in Market, then no research is needed

When a website launches a product, many a times they just go into the market without proper research about the product and the target audience. Analyzing the product properly before launching it is important as many a times it helps the company to understand about the perception of the user about the product and also the buying behavior of the customer.

Myth 4: Forget the keyword research

The keyword research is one of the most important aspect of SEO. You must also understand the search query for the target audience. If you are not present in the top rankings then your competitors might take over your website on Google Search Result Pages. There are various free tools on Google to find relevant keywords that would work for your website.

Myth 5: You must target the keyword in anchor text

For those who don’t know what anchor texts are, they are those texts that are clickable in the hyperlink. The keywords in the anchor text are also one of the many signals in the search engine rankings.

Myth 6: Meta tags never matter

Now many of you must be wondering what re Meta tags? In SEO, meta tags are the most basic elements. In layman’s terms they are basically the snippets of texts which basically describe the content of the pages. The three most important elements of Meta tags are:

  • Title tags– The texts which appear on the top of the browser which is also viewed as the “title” of the page.
  • Description– A description of the page given in brief.
  • Keywords– Just a series of keywords which you would find relevant to the content and on which can you think you can rank your content top on the search engine.

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