
How much should you invest in Digital Marketing

How much should you invest in Digital Marketing

How much should you invest in Digital Marketing in 2018

Many people don’t go for digital marketing of their website because they think it would cost them lion’s share of their money and the Return on Investment would be very low. This blog tries to answer all the questions related to the money spent on a digital platform in a succinct manner. So let’s decide what amount of money you should invest in digital marketing and what is the kind of budget that you have and how much are you looking forward to spend on a suitable social media platform for your business over a period of let’s say three months.

It is not really that tough to understand how much you should be sending on the proper digital marketing of your business.

Many researches and reports and successful case studies are available on the internet these days that may give you the answer to many of your questions if not the exact answer to your question. Sometimes it could happen that the case studies may not be relevant to your target audience. With helping you in knowing how important it is to determine the exact spend that you should put on your digital marketing strategy. If the digital marketing of your website is done right then it gives lot of productive benefits in the long run.

If your business is a B2B business, then your customers would be very cranny and they won’t be highly targeted users. So generally, when your target would be only the CEOs or Entrepreneurs or Managing Directors, so your digital marketing message should be with the intent to woo them and tell them how your service is cost effective and would help them in solving their problem.

You could use the Dropbox B2B growth strategy over here. All Dropbox did was acquire customers at $100 through many new registration via Google Adwords and PPC and was making $60 as their revenue per registered user. During the initial years they were able to successfully do that because of seed funding but after a period of time they had to change their strategy to get new sign-ups at a lesser rate. Eventually they came out with the strategy called as Referral Storage Program. In this basically they introduced the referral storage program where the customer would be able to get extra 5GB of extra space on the existing Dropbox storage. That tactic lead to a lot of people referring Dropbox to their friends and peers, which boosted the sale process for them and many registered users were generated for them.

So the gist of the story is, that your capital or your investment in your company’s digital marketing shouldn’t always be result oriented, but it should be something which makes everyone think. This would eventually bring up a lot of signups organically.

Growth hacking tips for B2B digital marketing:

In B2B digital marketing, you need to be given a number so you could start putting money in digital marketing. However in order for successful digital marketing of your business, you must not rely on doing your digital marketing yourself unless you have expert professionals of the field in your company. If you have expert digital marketing professionals then you could give your digital marketing needs to them, but if not then you must give all your digital marketing needs to one of the best digital marketing companies in Pune like Osumare Marketing Solutions. Osumare Marketing Solutions provides a wide array of services such as SEO, SEM, Content marketing, PPC etc. With variety of clients under its belt, Osumare Marketing Solutions has become one of the best marketing agencies in Pune.

Visit us at: Osumare Marketing Solutions

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